The World Bank Group: Tackling Fragility, Conflict and Violence・
SPF Drivers of Fragility, Conflict and Violence・
Fragility, Conflict and Violence・
Fragility, Conflict and Violence: Operating in Some of the ...・
Disaster - Fragility, Conflict and Violence Nexus・
IDA Works for Everyone: Fragility, Conflict and Violence・
The World Bank Group: Tackling Fragility, Conflict and Violence・
On the Frontlines of Rising Fragility: Collaborating and ...・
Share Your Views・
Fragility, Conflict, and Violence in Middle Income Countries・
*IDAworks to address fragility, conflict and violence・
IDA Works for Everyone: Fragility, Conflict and Violence・
The World Bank’s strategy for fragility, conflict and violence・
Online Event: Tackling the Pandemic in Situations of Fragility ...・
Share Your Views: World Bank Group Strategy for Fragility ...・
Developing Evidence-based Solutions in Situations of Fragility ...・
IDA—Fragility, Conflict and Violence | There are more violent ...・
Expert Answers: How Can We Fight Poverty in Fragile and ...・
Towards Sustainable Peace: Development Approaches to ...・
IDA: A Steadfast Partner in Countries Affected by Fragility ...・
The GFDRR Disaster Risk Management (DRM)-Fragility ...・
Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations: How World Bank's ...・
Addressing Compound Risks and Increasing Resilience in ...・
30 Second Challenge on Fragility, Conflict and Violence ...・
Behind the Mission: Working in Fragile, Conflict and Violence ...・
Fragility Forum 2024: Adapting and Innovating in a Volatile ...・
*IDAworks to address fragility, conflict and violence | IDA19's ...・
30 Second Challenge on Fragility, Conflict and Violence ...・
Partnering with Civil Society to Break the Cycle of Fragility ...・
Changing the Economic Trajectory in Fragility, Conflict and ...・
World Bank-DIE Seminar Series– Social Cohesion in ...・
Washington DC Video Production: "Tackling Fragility, Conflict ...・
Empowerment and accountability in fragile, conflict and ...・
Fragility Forum 2024 - Highlights Video・
Sounds Strategic - Episode 41 - The World Bank's strategy for ...・
Addressing the Invisibility of Persons with Disabilities in ...・
IDEAS Book Launch “Evaluation in Contexts of Fragility ...・
*AccelerateEquality on My Mind Interview Series: Soukeyna ...・
World Bank-IDOS Seminar Series– Social Cohesion in ...・
Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity in Contexts Affected by ...・
Empowerment and accountability in fragile, conflict and ...・
Inclusive Approaches to Preventing Violent Conflict・
Day 4 - Fragility Forum 2022・
The Graduation Approach in FCV Settings・
People, peace, prosperity: Fighting Poverty in Fragile and ...・
Episode 2 - Voices from the Ground Reporting from the ...・
Fragility, Conflict, and Macroeconomic Policy in a Shock ...・
Fragility and Conflict: Addressing the Causes and ...・
Addressing Development Challenges posed by Criminal ...・
Henrietta Fore on UNICEF's partnership with the World Bank・
Addressing Conflict and Fragility to Reduce Extreme Poverty ...・
Fragility Forum・
Troubled Borders Subnational Conflict in Middle Income ...・
Addressing Conflict and Fragility to Reduce Extreme Poverty ...・
Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations: How World Bank’s ...・
From Fragility to Resilience Adapting to Global Challenges ...・
On the Frontlines of Rising Fragility: Collaborating and ...・
Toward a Resilient Recovery from COVID-19 in Fragile Settings・
Addressing Conflict and Fragility to Reduce Extreme Poverty ...・
Addressing Fragility and Conflict: A Global Public Good・
Fragility Forum 2020 | Investing in Justice for All to Prevent ...・
Addressing Conflict and Fragility to Reduce Extreme Poverty ...・
Addressing Conflict and Fragility to Reduce Extreme Poverty ...・
Addressing Conflict and Fragility to Reduce Extreme Poverty ...・
How Can We Fight Poverty in Fragile and Conflict Affected ...・
Addressing Conflict and Fragility to Reduce Extreme Poverty ...・
Addressing Conflict and Fragility to Reduce Extreme Poverty ...・
Social protection in conflict-affected countries・
Protecting and Building Human Capital in FCV Settings・
Ending Poverty in Fragile & Conflict-Affected States - Country ...・
Addressing Conflict and Fragility to Reduce Extreme Poverty ...・
Panel discussions・
World Bank's FCV Strategy and Collaboration with JICA・
Day 7 - Fragility Forum 2022・
Day 2 - Fragility Forum 2022・
Preventing Conflict, Promoting Peace in Niger・
Module 3 Video: Improving Program Impacts in the Context of ...・
Interview with Alexandre Marc | Alexandre Marc, the Chief ...・
1st IDEAS Book Launch Evaluation in Contexts of Fragility ...・
Investing in Justice for All to Prevent Violence and Conflict・
The International Development Association: Working in ...・
FCV Forum 2016 Resilience Dialogue: Disaster Risk and ...・
Emerging Research on Social Protection in Contexts of ...・
A Decade after the World Development Report (WDR) 2011 ...・
Improving the US’ Ability to Prevent and Stabilize Conflict ...・
Fragility Forum 2022: Development and Peace in Uncertain ...・
Episode 1 - Voices from the Ground: Reporting from the ...・
A Look Around the Globe・
gLOCAL 2022: Using GIS for Evaluating in Context of Fragility ...・
Opening Plenary: Launch of the Fragility Forum 2022・
2nd IDEAS Book Launch Evaluation in Contexts of Fragility ...・
Evaluating gender in fragile, conflict and violent context (FCV ...・
Launch of States of Fragility 2022 | States of Fragility 2022 ...・
Adapting to Climate Change in Fragile and Conflict Settings ...・
Spotlight: Scaling up Disaster Risk Reduction in Fragile and ...・
Day 1 - Fragility Forum 2022・
Delivering Social Protection in FCV Contexts・
Gender Equality in FCV Settings Moving from Humanitarian ...・
*CHA24 Panel 2: Doubling Down - Fragility, Conflict and ...
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